For decades the reinforced soil with geosynthetics also known as Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) has been used mainly in road, rail and bridge construction. Geosynthetic materials often make possible to build a spectacular objects around the world. The popularity of reinforced soil technology is linked with the numerous advantages like: standardized design methods, fast construction process, safety and durability of the structure.
Reinforced soil allows construction of retaining walls with inclination angle up to 90°, relief of bridge abutments – where reinforced earth structure takes over 100% of the soil tension forces, or even construction of bridge abutments made completely from reinforced soil what means fully replacing monolithic concrete structure. Described technology provides also flexibility in the selection of the visible (external) part of the reinforced soil structure which is called the facing.
Two most popular solutions offered by us for the facing are:
small size concrete blocks with split finish (broken stone texture)
steel meshes filled with stones (gabion like)